Scientific Literature Review Resident Template Guidelines

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Please copy title exactly how it appears in the article


Please use the pubmed reference formatting. This should appear exactly as it does in the pubmed search.

Example: Westin O, Nilsson Helander K, Grävare Silbernagel K, Möller M, Kälebo P, Karlsson J. Acute Ultrasonography Investigation to Predict Ruptures and Outcomes in Patients With an Achilles Tendon Rupture. Orthop J Sports Med. 2016 Oct 14;4(10)

Level of Evidence

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Scientific Literature Review

Reviewed By

Resident name

Residency Program

Residency name including city and state

Podiatric Relevance:
This section should be brief, however direct and to the point. Why is this article interesting to a podiatric surgeon? Perhaps this is the reason why you chose this particular article. What hypothesis or clinical question(s) were the authors attempting to answer?


 Do not directly copy and paste from the article and/or abstract. This is not intended to discuss every minute detail from the methods; however, it is intended to give the reader an overview of the study performed. Briefly review the study design and outcome measures utilized to answer the hypothesis or clinical question.

What were the specific results of the investigation? You may list results or discuss results. This should include results of the outcome measures discussed in the methods section.


You have the most flexibility with this section and really should be the substance of the review. What did the authors conclude from the above results? What conclusions do you reach from the above results? How will this information help (or not) you treat the next patient you encounter?


Submission must be in MS Word, single spaced (zero spacing before and after each line), Times New Roman, size 10, 500-word limit (excluding Title, Reference, Reviewed By and Residency Program).