Current FootNotes Issue

Looking for a way to market your practice or to share valuable foot and ankle health information with your patients? ACFAS provides all members with a customizable patient education newsletter, FootNotes.

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  1. Download the FootNotes issue of your choice.
  2. Add your practice information to the white box at the bottom of page 2.

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Past Issues

Winter 2023

Topics include:

  • 5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Foot Problems
  • Watch for Ice: Avoiding Winter Foot Injuries
  • Ankle Sprains: What Type Do You Have?

Spring/Summer 2022

Topics include:

  • Don't Let Bunions Become a Pain
  • How to Avoid Running Injuries
  • Travel Tips for Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis

Winter 2021

Topics include:

  • Tips for Healthy Holiday Feet
  • 'Tis the Season for a Mid-Year Foot Check
  • Beware of Gout this Holiday Season

Fall 2021

Topics include:

  • Keep Young Athletes Injury Free
  • Starting School on the Right Foot
  • Hit the Trails Safely

Summer 2021

Topics include:

  • 10 Tips for Healthy Vacation Feet
  • Eliminate Achey Feet During Pregnancy
  • Foot Safety for Home Projects

Spring 2021

Topics include:

  • Preventing Running Injuries
  • Tackling Big Toe Pain
  • Watch Out for Old Injuries

Winter 2020

Topics include:

  • Winter Tips for Diabetic Foot Care
  • Say Goodbye to Ingrown Toenails
  • Swapping Foot Fractures for Vitamin D

Fall 2020

Topics include:

  • Back-to-School Safety with the Right Shoes
  • Why You Shouldn't Put Off Elective Surgeries
  • Got Heel Pain?

Summer 2020

Topics include:

  • The Doctor Is In! TeleHealth vs. In-Office Appointments
  • Summer Footwear Creates New Problems
  • Avoiding Running Injuries

Spring 2020

Topics include:

  • Staying Safe & Strong Amid COVID-19
  • Watch for Heel Pain with Spring Activities
  • Don't Let Foot Pain Ruin Your Golf Swing